Cerulea Clinical Trials

About Us

Cerulea Code of Conduct

Cerulea Clinical Trials Code of Conduct reinforces our values and describes the standard of behaviour expected from our staff, students, honorary appointees and Board Directors. It outlines the ways we can live Cerulea’s values and make our mission a reality.

Vision is precious, and no one should ever lose the gift of sight: this conviction drives everything we do at Cerulea Clinical Trials.

We work tirelessly to translate scientific breakthroughs into clinical trial pathway that transform the lives of people with vision loss and blindness.

The aim we share with our parent company, the Centre for Eye Research Australia (CERA), is to prevent vision loss, and discover and develop therapies that maintain and restore sight.

To achieve this, it is vital that our workplace is safe, positive and inclusive, underpinned by our core values of integrity, unity, agility and making a difference.

We all have a role to play in creating this environment – via our individual and collective behaviour.

Cerulea’s and CERA’s policies and procedures inform this Code of Conduct.

It outlines the ways that we – as Cerulea staff, students, honorary appointees and board members* – can live Cerulea’s values and make its mission a reality.

*Throughout the Code of Conduct, the term ‘representatives’ refers to all Cerulea staff, students, honorary appointees and Board directors.


We are accountable and honest in the work we do. Credible, ethical and responsible research is our priority.

This means:

  • We act with honesty, integrity, respect and empathy.
  • We do what we say we will.
  • We act ethically, lawfully, and are committed to health, safety and security, especially whenever we are:
      • conducting, sharing and communicating research providing clinical care
      • creating and managing records, primary materials and research data
      • managing personal information or confidential clinical trial data
      • using Cerulea’s equipment and facilities.
  • We undertake clinical research with honesty, rigour, transparency, fairness, and respect for clinical trial participants and the broader community.
  • We put clinical trial participants first. We ensure they are safe, well‑informed, supported and free to make decisions about their involvement in or withdrawal from clinical research.
  • We treat clinical trial participants, their families and caregivers as well as our customers (sponsors) and affiliated colleagues with care and respect, recognising their rights and diverse needs.
  • We endeavour to ensure confidentiality associated with customer (sponsor) information and intellectual property is maintained appropriately and ensure that all breaches are reported promptly and fully.
  • We promptly declare and manage actual or perceived conflicts of interest.
  • We use Cerulea funds appropriately, efficiently and for approved purposes only. This includes philanthropic and government funds as well as commercial revenues and earnings. We acknowledge philanthropic and investment‑related financial contributions to Cerulea where appropriate.
  • We use Cerulea facilities, equipment, data and information technology responsibly, ethically, compliantly, lawfully and for approved purposes only.
  • We take responsibility for our actions and are committed to reporting and addressing matters that do not align with Cerulea’s code of conduct, policies, legal or ethical obligations.
  • We are committed to conducting clinical research and business activities ethically and with integrity, free from bribery, exploitation and corruption.
  • We encourage Cerulea representatives and our community to report concerns and improper conduct.


We work together for the greater good.

This means:

  • We treat everyone with dignity, courtesy and respect.
  • We value and respect the diverse abilities and needs of our clinical trial participants, their families and carers, customers (sponsors), Cerulea representatives and affiliated colleagues. We prioritise their rights, health, physical and cultural safety.
  • We recognise the vulnerability of people with disability, particularly those who experience blindness and low vision. We respect their freedoms, needs and rights, including their right to self-determination and decision-making.
  • We value, respect and use the unique talents, abilities, identities, knowledge, cultural background and experiences of Cerulea representatives and affiliated colleagues.
  • We protect Cerulea representatives and our community from exploitation and modern slavery. We have a particular responsibility to vulnerable communities and peoples.
  • We provide an open, inclusive, supportive, flexible and safe learning and working environment.
  • We build strong and supportive relationships – we appreciate and acknowledge the contributions of our colleagues; we celebrate one another’s successes.
  • We support one another and ask for help when we need it.
  • We take reasonable, prompt, proportionate action to eliminate discrimination, sexual harassment, bullying, victimisation and vilification.
  • We are committed to improving the health and safety of Cerulea representatives and clinical trial participants, while eliminating or minimising risks of injury and illness.


We work with ambition, tenacity, innovation and creativity. We are nimble and responsive in the pursuit of excellence.

This means:

  • We strive to continuously improve – we champion quality and work efficiently.
  • We keep up to date with advances in knowledge, technology, regulatory, professional and ethical standards.
  • We seize opportunities for training, growth and development, and reflection. We apply our learnings to our work.
  • We are generous in sharing our ideas and learnings with one another, while protecting confidential information and intellectual property associated with new discoveries and clinical developments.
  • We are respectful and constructive when giving feedback.
  • We take complaints, grievances, policy breaches and misconduct seriously. We investigate and act in a fair, effective and timely manner.


Making a difference

We value collaboration and sharing knowledge with each other and our community to make a real difference in the world.

This means:

  • We are all Cerulea ambassadors.
  • We promote Cerulea’s work, reputation and the importance of eye health and vision research.
  • We are all responsible for upholding Cerulea’s reputation.
  • We promptly declare and manage any threats to our reputation.
  • We uphold Cerulea’s values in all public forums and external-facing communications, including online communications. Public comment is made in line with relevant policies.


More information

Cerulea’s Privacy Statement and Whistleblower Policies provide more detailed guidance, along with standards outlined in the Research Integrity section of our parent company CERA’s website.

Decision-making tool

If you are still unsure about how to respond to a particular situation, event or behaviour, ask yourself:

  • Is it consistent with our code of conduct?
  • Is it legal?
  • Is it ethical?
  • Does it follow Cerulea’s policies and procedures?
  • Would I be comfortable if my actions were made public?


If the answer to any of these questions is “no” you can:

  • raise the matter with senior management, human resources, research integrity advisers, executive or board directors
  • make a report via Whispli – an external platform providing secure two-way communication that can also be anonymous providing protection for whistleblowers.